CAGD 330

Stylized Book Concept:

The theme I first came up for my stylized book project is medieval. I first thought of adding chains to the book like the picture below but decided to keep it more simple. 
I then thought of doing a floral or nature stylized style for my stylized book like the book below.

I thought of doing a medieval necromancy style book.
I finally decided to do an ancient Norse style book called the "Book of Dragons" I like the simplicity but complexity of the design of the book. To make the book more stylized I decided to make the front design of the dragon extruding out except for where the eye of the dragon is and will make that sunken in like the necromancy book above. I will sink in the circular design around the dragon. I will extrude out the knots on the edges of the book and may add nails to them.  I will make the inner edge of the book sunken in as well. I was also thinking of adding a colored gemstone where the eye of the dragon is as well.
I was also thinking of adding a clasp and a leather strap to the right side of the book like in the picture below.

Sci-Fi Crate Weekly Blog Post 3:
  • I finished modeling my low poly and high poly crates in Maya.
  • I have also baked out my low poly and high poly crate to Substance Painter 2
  • There is the issue of why the textures are shaded differently. One half of the top is darker than the other side.
  • Also the crate and background is too dark I need to lighten the background and fix the shading on the crate.
  • I already have ideas of how I am going to color and texture the crate in Substance.
  • I plan to finish the texturing of the crate by Monday.

Sci-Fi Crate Progress 3:
  • I finished splitting my original high poly version from one cube into three sections of top, side, and bottom. I also did the same for my low poly crate version.
  • I finished making the groups of the high poly top, side, bottom, and the original high poly as well as the low poly group of the top, side,bottom, and the original low poly. 
  • I also added a colored blinn shade with transparency to the high poly version of the crate.
  • I have started making quads using the quad draw tool to my low poly version crate.
  • I plan to finsih quading the low poly version as well as UVing the low poly by Tuesday night.  

Sci-Fi Crate Progress 2:

Sci-Fi Crate Progress:

I decided to go with the second option for my Sci-Fi Crate the one on the bottom left.
So far I have the basic geometry of the crate modeled and I am now working on the creases on the top and sides of the crate.
Next I will add some details by adding the three panels on top of the crate and also the buttons on the side faces.
Then I will add 2 segments on the edges of the crate to reinforce the square shape. 

Sci-Fi Crate Concept:

An idea I had for the Sci-Fi crate is a square geometric shape with details to add a uniqueness to the crate. I chose a square crate because I considered the time constraint and my current skills in Maya and so decided to do something I know I can create and will start with a simple square geometric shape and then add details to the square.

Some details I would like to add is the vented pattern on the sides like the picture above to create a sense of depth and detail to the crate,

For the top of the crate I'm thinking about three different designs, but I am leaning more towards combining the second and third option to create a extruded lighter titanium colored top and then to make the very top of the face of the crate into three wooden panels.

The first would be to make it so that you can see through the crate, but is still sealed like in the picture below with bars. For this option I would make the crate futuristic with a blue force field on the top around the hole and the crate itself would be a light titanium color.

The second would be to sink in the top face and divide it into panels like the picture below on the left side. For this option I would make the top of the crate a mix of wooden panels on top with the paneling around the vents on the side wooden and the vents and bolts of the crate would be metal with a silvery color

The third would be to sink in the top face and then extrude it up and then extrude in again like the picture below.  For this option I would make the top of the crate and the bolts a lighter titanium color than the rest of the crate and the rest of the crate would be a darker metallic color.

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