Project 2 ePortfolio
Story Project 2:
- For this assignment we were assigned into groups that consisted of two members and were assigned to create a non-human character, which could be an animal, with a specific goal or obstacle/conflict to overcome. Our team worked together to create a script, sketches of the two characters construction, sketches of the two characters model dimensions, making a beat sheet, drawing a beat board, making storyboard panels, pitching our idea, and creating a 1 minute animatic with sound effects.
“Tiny Hunter”:
- A vicious tiger stalks a grazing water buffalo and tries to ambush it from the back, until it gets an unsuspected surprise of…strange proportions.
“Tiny Hunter” Animatic:
Youtube Link:
- I encountered two problems when creating the animatic.
- The first problem was that Alex, my teammate, and I were working on separate Photoshop files and when I tried to import Alex’s Photoshop file into my Photoshop file I received an error that only videos could be imported.
- The solution Alex showed me that if you open another project in Photoshop so they are on two separate tabs you can go to Window - Arrange – and then choose 2-up Vertical and this will split Photoshop in half and then I could drag Alex’s Photoshop file into my Photoshop file.
- The second problem I encountered was finding audio for the TV storyboard as the lines are very specific in content. I searched online on the National Geographic website and on Youtube, but could not find any audio that matched the content in the storyboard.
- My solution was to record myself saying this line on my phone and then uploaded it into the animatic.
“Tiny Hunter” Storyboard:
- After pitching our original storyboards we received feedback to add in a transition shot of the bull turning around. Alex drew this transition storyboard and added it to our Animatic.
- The problem was that this changed the story number and the shot number for the rest of the storyboards as well as the overall timing of our Animatic.
- The solution was to go back and change our script to add in the transition shot. Also, we added ambiance audio onto this transition shot. We also went into our original storyboard and added the transition shot into the PowerPoint to reflect the changes we made to the storyboard.
“Tiny Hunter” Beat Board:
- We received positive feedback on our original beat board in our in class check.
- A problem I saw later was that I used color on the house cat’ spots on its body and eyes.
- My solution was to re-color the spots on the house cat so that they were grey and not brown. I also re-colored the house cat's eyes so that they are no longer green, but a dark grey.
“Tiny Hunter” Character Construction:
“Tiny Hunter” Modeling Sheets:
- For the character modeling and character construction the problem I encountered was that Alex's and my construction and modeling assignments were on two separate Photoshop files.
- The solution I came up with was to import my modeling and construction files onto Alex's modeling and construction files. Now both Alex's and my character construction images are on one file and our character modeling images are on one file as well.
“Tiny Hunter” Script:
- We encountered two problems with the script.
- The first problem we encountered with the script was that Alex added a transition shot after our pre-animatic feedback and this was not reflected in the script.
- The solution was to go back into the original script and add in the transition shot.
- The second problem was that I created the script on Amazon Storywriter, but I forgot to download it as a pdf or to copy the text in a google document so Alex could review it while I attended jury duty for one class. Alex created another script in a google document as he could not open or review the script I made.
- The solution was that I reviewed the script Alex made in google documents and added in details and formatting from my script in Amazon Storywriter.
“Tiny Hunter” Story:
- I encountered the same problem I had for the script. The addition of the transition shot needed to be added to the plot summary in the story document.
- The solution was to add the information in the transition shot into the plot summary and this fixed the information discrepancy between the story and the animatic.
- The feedback we got from our storyboard presentation was to add a transition shot of the bull turning around to face the tiny tiger. The problem was that in one shot the bull went from one direction to doing a 180 degree turn and facing the opposite direction in the next shot. The viewers felt that this was visually confusing and broke the animatic.
- The solution to clarifying this visual was for Alex to draw in a transition shot of the bull turning around to face the tiny tiger.
- We did add the transition shot to our animatic, but the problem was that this transition shot was not reflected in our other assignments.
- The solution was for us to go back and to add the information about the transition shot to the other assignment as the storyboard and the animatic had new scene, shot, and time information after the transition shot was added.
- As I found and added audio to the animatic it was difficult finding the right audio to go with the story. As well as to time the audio to match the timing of the storyboards.
- The solution was to search on Sound Bible and on YouTube for the right audio and to discuss with my teammate, Alex, on ways to better match the audio in the storyboards.
Project 1 ePortfolio Post
Story Project 1:
- For this assignment we were assigned to create a non-human character with a specific goal or obstacle/conflict to overcome. I created a script, sketches of the character construction, sketches of the character model dimensions, making a beat sheet, drawing a beat board, making storyboard panels, pitching my idea, and creating a 1 minute animatic with sound effects.
“The Fall”:
- A young raindrop called Raindrop must overcome its fears of heights, for in the coming of age ceremony it must jump off of its Home Cloud and fall into the lake below to become a Adultroplet.
- I encountered two problems when creating the animatic. The first problem was that I did not know how to change the Timeline settings in Photoshop from displaying frame numbers to displaying seconds. After watching tutorials and searching the internet I found that I have to go to the Timeline options and choose panel options and then to choose Time-code and not Frame Number.
- The second issue was when I tried to import the sound files into Photoshop an error came on the screen. The solution I came up with is to select the audio files in the file folder tab and then to drag the files directly into the Photoshop work space window and then to press enter to get out of the Free Transform tool it puts on the file.
“The Fall” Storyboard:
- After pitching my original storyboard I received feedback to change a few things. I changed the: outline and shape of the raindrops, adding the mountainscape background to a story panel, changing the order of a few slides, and changing the scene, shot, and time number for each story panel.
- The problem I encountered when changing the order of some of the slides as that it changed the pacing and timing of the overall story and the information in the earlier assignments of the script and beat sheet were now not correct with the new order of the story board. The solution was to go back and change the script and the beat sheet to reflect the changes I made to the storyboard.
- For the final feedback I changed panels 17 and 18 by moving the clouds, adding movement marks, and by moving the positions of the raindrops in the panels.
“The Fall” Beat Board:
- I received feedback that my original beat board was a bit difficult to read and to use less color in the beat board. I changed the beat boards to reflect the change in the storyboard order of panels and the feedback I received.
- I redrew some of the boards to improve the perspective of the scene and I changed the images to reflect the change in timing in relation to the storyboard changing the timing of the overall story. I also made the beat board gray scale so that there was no color in the beat board.
“The Fall” Character Construction:
- The problem I encountered with the character construction was that my beat board and storyboard was drawn in gray scale, but Raindrop was drawn in color in the character construction sheet. The solution was to redraw Raindrop so its body is now grey and its eyes and mouth are black in a gray scale tone.
- The second problem was that the feedback I received from my storyboard was to change the outline and shape of Raindrop so that it is raindrop shaped. The solution was that I redrew Raindrop so that its body shape is now a raindrop shape with a point at the top.
“The Fall” Modeling Sheets:
- I encountered the same two problems I encountered with the character construction sheet. I drew Raindrop in color and not as a raindrop shape in the original modeling sheet.
- I used the same solution as I did in the character construction. I redrew Raindrop using grey for the body and black for the eyes and mouth in a gray scale tone. Then I redrew the shape of Raindrop so that it was now a raindrop shape with a point at the top.
“The Fall” Script:
- The problem I encountered with the script was that I changed the order of boards in the storyboard. This changed the pacing and timing of the story as now some scenes happen earlier than they did in the script.
- The solution was that I went through the storyboard and changed the information and order of the script to reflect the new order of the scenes in the storyboard until both the storyboard and the script matched.
“The Fall” Story:
- I encountered the same problem I had for the script. The order of the information and some information was now deleted from the original story beat sheet.
- The solution was the same as for the script. I went through the storyboard and matched the information to the sections in the beat sheet. I also got rid of the opening scenes as they were cut from the final storyboard.
- The feedback I got from my storyboard pitch was to add the mountainscape background to a story panel. This was to add visual clarity of the connection between the lake and the clouds in the story.
- A problem I realized was that there were some opening panels that were not necessary to convey the story so I removed them from the final storyboard. There were also some panels that were in the middle of the story but the flow of the story worked better if these panels were in the beginning so I switched the order of the storyboard panels. This led to me making adjustments to the other assignments as the storyboard now had a new timing, pacing, and order of scenes then it did in the original storyboard.
- Finding the right audio to convey the mood of the story and to time the audio with the panels was a longer process than I anticipated, but the process added clarity to the animatic. As there is a new mood and emotions invoked with the animatic compared to the original storyboard with no audio.
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